
Benches 1

Over the years we have moulded many types of benches with and without wooden seats, below is a small selection.

Benches with story, computer and speaker are activated when you sit on the plinth.
Built for Kolding Municipality and “tells” history of the city.

Benches are produced in our warehouse and delivered out.

Two spots are set up for Kolding kulturnat, the programmer is still working in the background. Developed in collaboration with the Alexander Institute

In this project we have made our larges kerb 50×40 cm. Landscape Architect BSAA Urbanlab Ltd. and Landscaper Sven Bech

Grøntorvet, Valby New backyard between new buildings 50×40 cm benches cast on stable gravel

Arkitekt: Årstidernes Arkitekter/Ingcon

Townhouse, Islandsbrygge (cph) we have produced 30 benches in our warehouse, Hereafter we delivered and installed them all (size 273x45x35 cm (l x h x w)

A snake/bench in concrete was made at Kagshusene, Brønshøj

Landscape Architect: Holmsgaard A/S | Landscaper: J. Stobbe Anlæg

A “flower” bench at Kagshusene, Brønshøj. The kerb is 35×30 cm.

Landscape Architect: Holmsgaard A/S

KantDesign has kerbed 42×30 cm benches at IBM Denmark, there still need to be mounted wooden seats.

Landscapers: Køge Bugt Anlægsgartner | Landscape architect: Zoffmannholm Landskabsarkitekter

Haslev Torv has been renovated this summer, we have made the benches with 40×40 cm kerbs and the color is char coal. On top the KantDesign has mounted the seats with Kebony wood, Kebony is special treated Norwegian wood that has a 30 years out door life time warranty.

Landscaper: Skælskør Anlægsgartner | Landscape architect: SBS Rådgivning A/S

This summer we made benches and cityfurniture in Galten, Denmark. 40×40 cm kerbs made direct on the paving.

Landscape architect: byMUNCH | Foto: byMUNCH

The larges project we have made this year is Liva Weels Plads in Copenhagen. We have made more than 330 meters of 50×30 cm kerbs. In the kerbs we have 70 bike racks.

Landscape architects: Bascon | Landscaper: Sven Bech

Enggården, Valby is just about done. Grass has been laid out on the hill between the 30×30 kerbs, The kerbs are going into the hill on the side and out on the other side. At this site we have also made 100 meter of water gutter (lar project), 70 meters of 25×40 kerbs. Sandpit with 30×15 and 20×15. Benches in the size 45×40 cm.

Landscape Architect: ZOOM arkitekter | Landscaper: Kirkegaard A/S

On a cold January day I was in Copenhagen and had a chance to look at this great looking housing park where we have made 55 meters of 30×30 cm kerbs in the color: siena.

Landscapearchitect: | Landscaper: Skælskør Anlægsgartner


If you have questions or a good idea for our water channels or edges, I would love to hear from you at

+45 6080 7010

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