Contact Us
(+45) 6080 7010

Contact Us Form
List of our dealers
ScandiCurb UK
Kerb ‘n’ Turf Limited
White Chimneys – Granborough
Bucks, MK18 3NJ
Phone: (+44) 0845 55 55 121
Mobile: (+44) 07710 551 971
ScandiCurb Germany
Weber Baumachinen
Gelände Ford Krüger
Rohrbacher Weg 2
57339 Erndtebrück
Phone: 49 (0) 2753 5079797
You are welcome to come to Denmark and work with us to see for your self what the ScandiCurb machines can do.
At our seminars you can see and test our machines, we will make all types of curbs; straight, high and low curbs. We will also ‘Mix in colours’ and we then make our own curbcoat.
Hereafter you can make a decision – Do you want to have a head start and become one of the first curbers in Europe ?
It is all up to you!!! If you have a special wishes regarding times for our seminar / workshops please contact us.
Use our contact form to send us a message.

Start your own curbing company
We do not promise, as other companies do, a fast way to make loads of money – No product can give you that. But we do offer you great and strong machines – The opportunity to build or expand your own business – with a lot of hard work, you can in a few years have a sound company, good income and job security.
Kim Pedersen started his curbing company in April, many years ago. It took him one month to improve his skills extra training, producing press releases, advertising and attending shows.
“In a way I lost the first year, I was not ready to do curbing in April, May and June where most customers want there curbs installed.”
The best time to start your curbing company is in the Autumn or winter. At this time you can organise everything, get your company known and do as much training as possible – Then come the spring -You are ready to make money and you will have a full season of curbing ahead of you.
We suggest you come to Denmark and attempt a seminar on curbing. You then decide if curbing is for you.
Hopefully in other countries also You can be among the first kerbers and there is a great marked in front of all of us.
Especially if you consider the commercial kerbing, at no extra cost but different moulds
We have proven it , we make good money from our kerbing business. You could do the same!
Feel free to contact me or any of my dealers around the “world”
Happy Kerbing
Kim C. Pedersen
Phone: +45 6080 7010
Owner of ScandiCurb and KantDesign